Despre noi

Despre noi

Asociatia Comandantilor de Nava din Romania este o organizatie neguvernamentala, non-profit, apolitica si independenta infiintata in 06.12.2018 cu scopul reprezentarii intereselor comandantilor romani, in tara si in strainatate. Obiectivul Asociatiei este de a imbunatati situatia comandantilor romani si integrarea lor sociala si profesionala .

Pentru indeplinirea obiectivelor sale, Asociatia isi propune realizarea urmatoarelor activitati:

• afilierea la IFSMA si accederea in Comitetul Executiv ;
• sa asiste membrii, pe cat ii este in puteri, sa creasca nivelul sigurantei si a competentei pe mare ;
• obtinerea de beneficii de interes profesional, social si educational ;
• acordarea de consultanta si consiliere membrilor Asociatiei, in conformitate cu scopul acesteia ;
• sensibilizarea si colaborarea cu autoritatile publice privind protectia sociala a membrilor Asociatiei, si nu numai ;
• dezvoltarea de programe proprii si in regim de parteneriat cu autoritatile publice din tara si strainatate, in conformitate cu scopul Asociatiei ;
• derularea unor activitati de sponsorizare/mecenat ;
• dezvoltarea unor activitati economice directe in vederea autofinantarii, in concordanta cu scopul Asociatiei;
• impunerea unui rol consultativ in schimbarea metodologiei de examinare in vederea obtinerii brevetului, a membrilor Asociatiei, si nu numai.

About us

In order to achieve its objectives, the Association intends to carry out the following activities:

• affiliation to IFSMA and access to the Executive Committee ;
• assisting members as much as possible to increase the level of safety and competence at sea ;
• obtaining benefits of professional, social and educational interest ;
• providing consultancy and advice to the Association`s members, in accordance with its purpose ;
• raising awareness and collaboration with public authorities regarding the social protection of the Association`s members, and not only ;
• development of own programs and in partnership with public authorities in the country and abroad, in accordance with the purpose of the Association ;
• carrying out sponsorship activities ;
• imposing an advisory role in changing the examination methodology in order to obtain the CoC, of the Association`s members, and not only.

De ce sa vii alaturi de noi?

Comandantii romani de nava au o traditie cu o prezenta constanta si importanta in piata fortei de munca internationala. Cu toate acestea , nu exista o asociatie care sa le reprezinte in mod direct interesele la nivel local si mondial, asa cum exista pana si in tari exotice ca Nigeria si Pakistan.

Why join us?

Romanian ship captains have a tradition with a constant and important presence in the international labor market. However, no any association exist to represent their interests locally and globally, as even exotic countries like Nigeria and Pakistan have.

Pana la momentul afilierii, inregistrarea in Asociatie este gratuita. Dupa momentul afilierii, s-a decis o cotizatie anuala de 300 lei, cu care se acopera cheltuielile legate de afilierea la IFSMA 15£/an si CESMA 8 EUR/an. Cei ce nu doresc sa plateasca aceasta cotizatie si cei ce nu isi mai reinnoiesc brevetul sunt bineveniti cu statutul de membru asociat.

In plus, membrii Asociatiei si, in unele cazuri, membrii familiilor acestora au parte de beneficii la anumite servicii efectuate de partenerii Asociatiei. Lista partenerilor se poate consulta in pagina dedicata. Pentru a deveni membru, trebuie completata aplicatia de pe site si trimisa pe mail impreuna cu o copie dupa brevet din care sa reiasa valabilitatea sa.

Until the moment of affiliation the registration in the Association is free. After the moment of affiliation, an annual contribution of 300 RON has been set to cover the costs of affiliation to IFSMA 15£/year and CESMA 8 EUR/year. Those who do not wish to pay this contribution and those who do not renew their licence are welcomed with the status of associated member.
In addition, the members of the Association, and in some cases, the members of the families are having discounts to some of the services provided by our partners. The list of partners can be consulted on the dedicated page. In order to become a member, you must complete the application on the site and send it by mail together with a copy of the valid CoC.