Despre noi

Asociatia Comandantilor de Nava din Romania este o organizatie neguvernamentala, non-profit, apolitica si independenta infiintata in 06.12.2018 cu scopul reprezentarii intereselor comandantilor romani, in tara si in strainatate. Obiectivul Asociatiei este de a imbunatati situatia comandantilor romani si integrarea lor sociala si profesionala .

About us

The Romanian Shipmasters` Association is a non-governmental, non-profit, apolitical and independent organization founded on 06.12.2018 with the purpose of representing the interests of Romanian shipmaster locally and internationally . The aim of the Association is to improve the situation of the Romanian shipmasters and their social and professional integration.

Scurta prezentare a membrilor fondatori

Marius-Cristian Tutuianu

Detinator al brevetului de comandant din anul 2015, Masterat Legislatie Maritima 2012, Masterat Management Maritim si Portuar 2010, absolvent UMC promotia 2006.

Lucian Murariu

Detinator al brevetului de comandant din 2013, absolvent UMC promotia 2006

Catalin Stefan Luca

Detinator al brevetului de comandant din anul 2018, expert consultant 1A CERONAV din anul 2014, absolvent UMC promotia 2008

Membru de Onoare Constantin Costache

Comandant de nava, membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romania, autor al unui numar mare de carti cu tema marina.

IFSMA New Logo-1
bank account 2

Detalii Bancare ACNR

BCR RON: RO75RNCB0120161877010001 EUR: RO21RNCB0120161877010003

Brief presentation of the founding members


Holder of the Master licence from 2015, Master of Maritime Law 2012, Master of Maritime and Port Management 2010, graduate of UMC promotion 2006

Lucian Murariu

Holder of the Master licence from 2013, graduate of UMC promotion 2006

Catalin Stefan Luca

Holder of the Master licence from 2018, expert consultant 1A CERONAV from 2014, graduate UMC promotion 2008

Honorary Member Capt. Constantin Costache

Master mariner, member of Romanian Writers Union, author of a large number of books with marine theme.